Sunday, March 8, 2015


What kind of person would like Darkseid?
If you are into villains who are,power hungry,overpowered,maniacal, and hell bent, then Darkseid is for you!

Darkseid was just a normal guy on his home planet Apokolips, but he was enraged by the gods who ruled it and was hell bent on killing his brother Drax who also wanted to take over there planet. So Darkseid convinced the gods to turn on each other and after their fighting had weakened them, Darkseid killed them one by one.After that he was able to drain all their energy and became the all powerful Darkseid!
With his new found power, he was able to kill his brother and become the ruler of Apokolips. This wasn't enough for him though,he wanted to now conquer the universe. Even with his godly powers, he will still have to struggle to defeat the justice league that stands in his way. The justice league is the group of superheroes on the planet earth that fight all matters of evil together. 
As he goes throughout the universe trying to take it over, the justice league will be there to stop him. Who will win?Who is stronger?Is Darkseid the most powerful being? To figure out the answers to these questions, you need to read Darkseid #1.

Lelouch Lamperouge/Vi Britannia/Zero-Code Geass

What kind of person would like Lelouch/Zero?
If you are into anti heroes who are methodical,strategic,and go from the under dog to the head honcho, then Lelouch is for you!

Lelouch as a young boy was a prince of the Britannia legion until his mother was shot dead by his father and was exiled to save himself from his father's betrayal. Lelouch was just normal boy at this point, until one day he is bestowed with the power of Geass by the witch CC. Geass allows the beholder to manipulate a person's mind once if looked straight in the eye, but only once and the Geass can never be undone. 
Britannia is a world power that is trying to take over the world. After Lelouch is granted with this new power, he leads the rebellion against the kingdom as Zero to protect his identity and to give a faceless symbol for the people of the rebellion.
In this series, the war is fought with armored suits or mechs. Most mechs are just standard units used by the military or the resistance, but some are one of a kind suits specifically made for the main characters of the story.Lelouch uses these suits and his intellect to command the rebelion against the Kingdom like a game of chess.

Image result for code geass manga coverWho will win?Is Lelouch fighting for justice?Will the Kingdom reign supreme? To find out all these questions, you need to read Code Geass:Lelouch of The Rebellion.You can also watch the anime of the same name.

Rorschach-The ink bloch detective of The Watchmen

What kind of person would like Rorschach?
If you are into anti-heros who are gritty,realistic,and relatable while still being over the top,Rorschach is the detective for you!

Rorschach is just an ordinary boy who grew up with an abusive mother and was picked on a lot as a kid. This early trauma led to him wanting to be someone else and to bring justice to this baron wasteland of filth he called home. As he grew up, he came up with an alternate persona to take down the scum of the earth he had so desperately wanted to cleanse.It was a whole new person to him,it gave him strength, this form of himself was powerful,smart ,and a crime fighter. This is when he came up with Rorschach, the ink bloch detective!
Rorschach was one of the first "costume heroes" of the world.He is the only super  hero that works outside of the law due to his inhuman tatics of crime solving. In the Watchmen universe, no one but Dr. Manhattan has actual super powers.
Due to the presence of these "super heroes" events in the world and the balance of power has changed throughout the world. What will become of the world with all the changes happening? Are the heroes actually bringing justice or just more calamity? How is Rorschach helping the bigger scheme of things? To answer all these questions, you need to read Watchmen
after, you can watch the movie of Watchmen.

Official Watchmen Trailer

Cyclops-Uncanny X-Men Revolution Branch

What kind of person would like Uncanny Cyclops?

If you are into a super hero gone anti-hero who's motives are unclear,this might be the character and it's representative arch for you!

Cyclops is one of the founding mutants of the original X-men.He was recruited by Charles Xavier as a child into the X-Men do to him having laser vision. He wears a special vizier to control his vision and was one of the first trained in the Charles Xaviers School of Mutants. 

He has been one of the leaders throughout the stories and has been the "boyscout" of the x-men. Do to the war between the mutants and the humans reaching its pinnacle of turmoil,Cyclops has turned to one of his mortal enemies 

This is where the X-men realize that Cyclops is now a traitor and want to eradicate all human beings or does he?At this point in time Cyclops has teamed up with Magik,Emma Frost, and Magneto. Cyclops has also gone threw a costume change in this story to ditch his old X-Men costume and to become a symbol for the revolution of the mutants .

What are Cyclops's motives for teaming up with the enemy? Why has he betrayed the X-Men? Which side is the right side? To find out all the answers to these questions you have to start reading Uncanny X-men Revolution Volume 1

Cyclops-The rebel with a cause!