Sunday, March 8, 2015

Rorschach-The ink bloch detective of The Watchmen

What kind of person would like Rorschach?
If you are into anti-heros who are gritty,realistic,and relatable while still being over the top,Rorschach is the detective for you!

Rorschach is just an ordinary boy who grew up with an abusive mother and was picked on a lot as a kid. This early trauma led to him wanting to be someone else and to bring justice to this baron wasteland of filth he called home. As he grew up, he came up with an alternate persona to take down the scum of the earth he had so desperately wanted to cleanse.It was a whole new person to him,it gave him strength, this form of himself was powerful,smart ,and a crime fighter. This is when he came up with Rorschach, the ink bloch detective!
Rorschach was one of the first "costume heroes" of the world.He is the only super  hero that works outside of the law due to his inhuman tatics of crime solving. In the Watchmen universe, no one but Dr. Manhattan has actual super powers.
Due to the presence of these "super heroes" events in the world and the balance of power has changed throughout the world. What will become of the world with all the changes happening? Are the heroes actually bringing justice or just more calamity? How is Rorschach helping the bigger scheme of things? To answer all these questions, you need to read Watchmen
after, you can watch the movie of Watchmen.

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